Top 10 Migraine Remedies

If you’ve ever suffered from a migraine. You know they might feel like the end of the world. They are not your typical headache and treating it like one won’t get you the migraine relief you need—and you need it bad.

Not only are you experiencing an intense headache directly on one side of your brain, it feels like, you also feel pounding pain, nausea, and sensitivity to light to accompany it all.

As the perfect formula for a deadly combination, a migraine can often leave you grasping for anything for relief. To help you out before they come alone, it’s important to get acquainted with some tips on migraine prevention and for that, we have a list here of our top ten migraine remedies.

First and foremost, we recommend:

  1. TruNutrimentum Migraine Control: Perfectly designed with the migraine-affected in mind, TruMigraine contains absolutely no heavy metals, gluten or artificial ingredients.
    However, it does contain:
    • Riboflavin (B2), which helps raise the activity of some enzymes in the mitochondria, which has an automatic relieving effect on a migraine.
    • Feverfew, essentially a dried leaf, this has anti-inflammatory properties and really helps our central nervous system.
    • Butturbur, also containing anti-inflammatory properties, this helps block extra calcium that gets into the brain that can potentially trigger a migraine.
    • Ginkgo Biloba, another anti-inflammatory, Ginkgo Biloba also helps regulate a specific neurotransmitter that often triggers migraines. It also helps dilate the blood vessels, which means more blood flow and oxygen to the brain—great for migraine relief.
  2. Your Diet: Such a pivotal thing in your everyday life, your diet can also have a direct effect on either inducing or preventing migraines. In general, you’ll want to avoid a lot of caffeine, foods with nitrates, aged cheese, alcohol, process foods, and cold drinks or food. This doesn’t mean that you have to take them off the menu forever—it just might help for the moment, especially if you are getting migraines quite often.
  3. Bring Down That Bright Screen: In our age of technology, we are often staring into computer screens, phone screens, tablets, and so many more. The blue light that is emitted from behind all those screens can actually trigger migraines. If you have to look at your electronic devices—for work, for example, try some rose-tinted color glasses. Although you may look like you’ve just come from the 70s, you’ll be preventing oncoming migraines!The same goes for light, in general. If you seem to have a sensitivity to light, it helps to carry sunglasses with you, especially if you’re going to be outside. That way, you can avoid having the sun glare right into your eyes, bringing on the migraine!
  4. Use Lavender or Peppermint oil: Not only does oil smell great and really liven up the room, but it can also be a wonderful way to stop a migraine in its tracks. Whether you’re inhaling the lavender or peppermint oil or putting it in a bath, the aroma can be a solution for that pain located in your forehead and your temples – especially when the culprit was a migraine that came along with pain, nausea, and light sensitivity. You can also place the peppermint oil directly on the forehead or the temples—diluted first, of course, to have the best possibility of getting into your senses.
  5. Pick Your Poison-Heat or Cold: Extreme temperatures can really help lower the tension. A warm compression, a steamy bath or heading into the sauna can really help relax your muscles—especially those in the neck and head area, which often tend to tighten up due to migraine pain. If you choose to go with cold, you can wrap a cold pack on the back of your neck and really get the blood flowing. The idea behind the cold pack is to essentially “lower the swelling” of the pain in your brain and get instant relief from the pounding.
  6. Lower the Noise: Whether you live in a busy city, are surrounded by screaming children or listen to music in your headphones all day, the excessive noise can definitely play a part in developing a migraine. A migraine can actually be triggered by any of your sense – hearing especially. If you feel a migraine coming on, get away from the noise or place earbuds or earplugs in. You can even start to listen to some soft, white noise to help clear the mind.
  7. Take a Yoga Class: Or you can meditate—whatever you would like. The breathing and body posture practices in yoga can definitely help with migraines—along with your overall help. Since yoga specifically helps decrease anxiety and stress, it can definitely help with migraine pressure.
  8. Go in for a Massage: Let’s be honest, who wouldn’t want a massage? Getting a consistent massage—like on a weekly basis, for example—can help release that muscle pressure and tension, especially in the neck that often brings on migraines. It can also help improve the quality of your sleep and help you cope better with stress. Overall, massages come with amazing physical and mental benefits—relief for a migraine being just one of them.
  9. Give Acupressure a Chance: You may have never heard of this practice before—however, it can be extremely beneficial in relieving migraine symptoms. Acupressure is when you apply direct pressure to a specific point along your fingers and hands to help relieve the pain often associated with a migraine. The best part about this is that you can do it on your own, using one hand to apply pressure to the other. Acupressure also can help with migraine-associated nausea.Last but not least,
  10. Try and Keep a Consistent Schedule: Whether it’s eating at the same time every day, getting your own body’s full night sleep or exercising on a regular, healthy basis, the consistency in your schedule can help prevent the oncoming nature of migraine attacks. This schedule can help let your body automatically know what’s coming next from its internal clock.

We hope that this article has helped you with a few migraine remedies and the best way to tap into migraine prevention — even on a daily basis!

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