
What Foods Trigger Migraines?

If you have migraines, you have probably tried many different options to manage your condition. One area that can trigger migraines is your diet. Our founder suffered for years with a consistent 3 migraines a week. After a long process of dialing in diet and supplementation, he was able to bring his migraine frequency to 3 per month!

What is Bovine Collagen?

Unless you have been living under a rock, you will have noticed that Collagen supplements are one of the hottest supplements in recent years. It is projected that in 2020, consumers will spend almost $300 million on collagen supplements. This is a drastic jump from only $50 million in 2014. The Nutrition Business Journal reports that globally, the market will do over $6 Billion by 2025.

Supplements Every Man Needs

Let’s face it, our fast paced lifestyle can leave you eating less than optimally. Throw the weekends out and it’s pretty safe to say that you aren’t getting all the nutrients that you need from food alone. Supplements are designed to fill the gap between what you get from food and what you need to perform at your best.

Top 7 Benefits of Krill Oil with Superba Boost

Over the last 35 years, Omega-3 fatty acids have been studied by doctors, researchers and higher learning institutions like Harvard. At the same time, the intake of omega 3’s has decreased in the modern western diets. Unlike some other cultures, we are not consuming enough fatty fish. Including krill oil into your daily routine can help to ensure that you are getting enough Omega 3s. Krill oil is special in that it contains a great fatty acid profile along with a few other important nutrients not found in other marine products.

What You Need to Know About Migraine Prevention, Naturally

Migraines are one of the most prevalent, and most debilitating types of headache. These recurrent, intense bouts of severe throbbing, or pulsing pain, which usually occur on one side of the head can last from a few hours to days of disabling pain. Additional symptoms include nausea and vomiting, blurred vision, and extreme sensitivity to lights, sounds, even smells. The frequency of occurrence is normally one to four times per month, varying in severity…

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