What is Bovine Collagen?

Unless you have been living under a rock, you will have noticed that Collagen supplements are one of the hottest supplements in recent years. It is projected that in 2020, consumers will spend almost $300 million on collagen supplements. This is a drastic jump from only $50 million in 2014. The Nutrition Business Journal reports that globally, the market will do over $6 Billion by 2025. 

Collagen is found in our skin, muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments and blood vessels. It plays a very important role in maintaining our bodies structural integrity. At times it is known as the body’s scaffolding or the glue that holds the body together. It is the most abundant protein found in the human body.

There are two main types of collagen supplements: Bovine and marine. We will focus on the bovine variety. Bovine collagen is the protein in the bones, cartilage, hides and tissues of cows. Most supplements are made from cow hides.The main reason for the popularity of this supplement is that we have similar collagen we have in our bodies. Bovine collagen contains type I and type III collagen. You will also find a wide range of amino acids, including essential amino acids in bovine collagen. It is abundant in proline and glycine which you need to maintain and repair your joints, bones, and tendons. 


Collagen makes up approximately 75% of the dry weight of our skin which helps to keep our skin healthy, plump, and holds off lines. As we age, we break down collagen faster than we can make it. Experts say that we lose 1% of our collagen per year in our mid twenties. Over the last few years, there have been many studies showing promise in the areas of skin elasticity, aging, and wound healing in people who consume bovine collagen. Although there is not enough science to make definitive statements, there is a lot of promise. 

The Top 5 Benefits of Taking a Collagen Supplement

  1. Supports Joint Health– Collagen allows for your joints, tendons and ligaments move freely and easily. As mentioned above, the amino acids proline and glycine help with mobility by repairing and maintaining joint, tendon, and ligaments. 

  2. Skin, Hair, and Nail Support- as we age, we break down collagen faster than we can make it. This leads to lines and other signs of aging. Collagen can help to increase the elasticity of your skin and slow the aging of your skin. It can also help to promote hair and nail growth.

  3. Weight Loss/Management- people have found that taking collagen makes them fuller and the amino acid glycine is helping in the process of building muscle. A small percentage of muscle tissue is composed of collagen. It is vital to ensure strong and properly functioning muscles. Researchers have made suggestions that a bovine collagen supplement can help with making muscle proteins and stimulate muscle growth after working out.

  4. Promotes Heart Health- Collagen is in arteries and blood vessels which carry blood from your heart to the rest of your body. As we age and lose collagen production, arteries can become weak and fragile. This can lead to issues like Atherosclerosis which has major implications. There have been small studies showing that taking 16 grams of collagen daily for 6 months led to a reduction in measures of artery stiffness. 

  5. Supports Bone Formation and Prevents Bone Loss- Your bones are over 30% collagen which gives them the structure and flexibility. As you lose collagen you also lose bone mass which happens as you age. Taking the supplement can help to prevent bone breakdown and help to increase bone mineral density.


Bovine collagen is great for people who are on certain restrictive diets such as Keto and Paleo. It is not something that a vegetarian or vegan should take since it is made from animal products. When looking for a bovine collagen supplement, make sure that you see it say grass fed and pasture raised to ensure you are getting the highest quality possible. 

How to Take Your Collagen

We recommend that you get a flavorless product so that you can use it in a variety of ways. Below are a few of the most common ways to take your collagen. 

  1. Mix with water- since it is flavorless, it can be added to water and you can drink it. We recommend using room temperature water since cold water can make it harder for the collagen to mix. You can always add ice cubes later. Some of the bovine collagen products have quick dissolve technologies to help it dissolve quicker.

  2. Food- A big way that many people get their collagen is to mix it in with their oatmeal. It can supercharge your breakfast into a lean mean collagen machine!

  3. Coffee- This is one of the most popular. Just add your collagen to the coffee of your choice and you have a healthy morning (or midday) drink. 

  4. Smoothies- Smoothies have become all the rage in the last few years. Mixing this into your fruit and veggie smoothie or post workout smoothie can help to add that extra healthy kick. Your body will thank you!


We hope this helped you to understand more about bovine collagen and how it can help take your health to the next level. 

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